What is Sacha Inchi and why is it important that it's Organic?
Sacha Inchi is considered one of the best edible seeds in the world, for its high levels of vitamins and omega 3, achieving a highly beneficial product for our health, in addition, our oil is totally pure, contains no other ingredients or mixtures, which makes it more healthy and nutritious, besides being certified as an organic product.
It’s important to remember that only those products that are elaborated under procedures that achieve a development of the food free of any chemical agent that may contain toxic residues harmful to health are considered organic. Likewise, foods certified as organic guarantees the care of the land where this food is produced and at the same time guarantees a high quality of the product that you take to your table, avoiding pesticides, herbicides, artificial fertilizers, hormones or antibiotics.
Benefits Organic Sacha Inchi Oil
Help to:
Reduce triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
Prevent cardiovascular accidents.
To counteract irritable bowel problems.
To accelerate brain functions linked to memory.
To diminish constipation problems.
To strengthen the immune system.
If you want to know more benefits click here
